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Press Coverage

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Explore the extensive press coverage (videos, articles, and webinars) that has garnered attention and acclaim for Diamond Standard. We have captured the spotlight on influential platforms such as CNBC, Bloomberg, Fox Business, and HEDGEYE, where esteemed voices provide an unbiased opinion on our innovative approach to diamonds as an option for portfolio diversification.

Our diamond product offerings range from diamond coins, diamond bars, diamond commodity token (CARATS), and a fund for accredited investors.

Additionally, our journey has been chronicled by reputable outlets like The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Barrons, Yahoo Finance, Financial Times, and CoinDesk to name a few. These publications have recognized our approach to alternative investing - financializing diamonds as a tradeable, standardized, and investable asset class.

Learn more about Diamond Standard from our media coverage and how we have redefined the concept of diamond investing. Our media appearances showcase our financial solutions with dialogue and meaningful conversations.

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